The retreat for couples.
For new insights into sex and its role in the relationship.
The Making Love Retreat – the profound, healing, and unifying journey for couples.
Diana and Michael Richardson have designed the Making Love Retreat for you—an immersive week-long experience for couples that has been successfully conducted internationally for 30 years.
"Transform your sex into love through awareness"
Immerse yourself in
In our retreat, you’ll discover a nurturing space to deepen your connection as a couple on all levels.
We’ll provide tools and proved, practical applications for everyday life, for a deeper connection with yourself, your emotions, and your sexual power.
Explore a new, relaxed, and enriching dimension of sexuality and relationship with the Making Love Retreat.
Your retreat leaders:
Hello, we are Max and Jasmin.
The Making Love approach has been integral to our relationship from the very beginning, guiding us to prioritize love in our lives.
Today, as authorized Making Love teachers, we share our knowledge and the wisdom of the Making Love approach according to Diana & Michael Richardson, in retreats, couple & individual sessions, virtual & in person, worldwide. As Somatic Experiencing Practitioners (trauma therapy by Peter Levine), we integrate profound understanding and practical applications of trauma healing and the nervous system into our work with sexuality.
We invite you to the Making Love Retreat as a safe space, to delve into a new, deeply fulfilling dimension of sexuality and relationship.
We look forward to meet you,
Jasmin & Max
Participants' voices from the Making Love Retreat
Upcoming retreats
Steps to registration
Frequently asked questions
What is the Making Love approach?
The making love retreat for couples. For new insights into sex and its role in the relationship…
All exercises, meditations and the knowledge that we share with you are designed to reawaken and encourage the presence in your own body.
We show the difference between “conventional” sex – with tension, seduction, intense stimulation and climax – and “conscious” sex in an environment of warm, loving, fulfilling relaxation that has no goal orientation.
Through this retreat, participants can experience a deep journey of healing.
What is the benefit for us of participating Making Love Retreat?
The nourishing retreat days provide many good insights, experiences and tools to preserve and grow the precious gift of love in everyday life.
Finding new, conscious ways in sex and exploring them together has a positive effect on all levels of life.
In this retreat, we do not teach techniques but rather an attitude and a new approach to body awareness. Therefore, we have no secret recipes for quick happiness, healing emotional wounds or trauma.
Relaxed sexuality brings very deep healing and relaxation. However, it will not solve all relationship problems on its own.
Are there any special conditions for participation?
No special preparations or preconditions are necessary.
The most important thing is that each partner decides for themselves to take part in the retreat.
You should be prepared to question old habits and see sex with completely new eyes.
The Making Love Retreat is suitable for couples of all ages (we have had 20 year olds as well as 75 year olds participating), regardless of how long they have been together.
It may be helpful to read books by Diana Richardson to get a feel for the content of the seminar. -> Klick here
What is the number of participants in the Making Love Retreat?
The number of participants depends on the venue and ranges between 10 and 20 participating couples.
The Making Love Retreat is not a group process. We encourage each couple to stay away from too much social engagement during these days in order to deepen the personal experience.
The focus is on you as a couple and on you as an individual – the group is merely a space for resonance, an invitation to exchange ideas and an enrichment of diversity.
The topic of sex is very personal, how is the space of intimacy guaranteed?
There will be no sexual activity or nudity in the group.
And of course, all more intimate couple exercises will take place in the privacy of your own room!
If couples voluntarily talk about their experiences, everyone is bound by a confidentiality agreement to treat the information confidentially.
How much does the Making Love Retreat cost?
The Seminarcosts for the Making Love Retreat is 1080 euros per person for 7 days.
In addition, there are the costs for board and lodging, which vary from venue to venue.
In which language is the Making Love Retreat conducted?
Generally, we teach the Making Love Retreat in English and in German-speaking countries in German, in each case without translation.
Can the retreat also be attended only as an individual?
The embodiment of the taught material is very important and only possible as a couple.
Therefore, it is not possible to attend the Making Love Retreat individually.
However, we offer individual and couple counseling and support based on our training in the field of SE (Somatic Experiencing / trauma therapy) and our work and experience as adult educators in the field of sexuality.
Who are Diana & Michael Richardson?
Who are Diana & Michael Richardson?
(Diana and Michael are also known as Puja and Raja Richardson)
Diana, a pioneer of the Slow Sex movement, is a disciple of tantric master Osho and a teacher of holistic massage and deep tissue rebalancing. She is the author of 8 books across her more than 35 years of involvement in holistic bodywork and tantric wisdom. Diana is born in South Africa.
Michael Richardson is a teacher of tai chi, practitioner of shiatsu, teacher of the Gurdjeeff Sacred Dances, and a disciple of tantric master Osho, and the co-author of two books by Diana. Michael is born in Germany where he studied acting for many years.Together, Diana and Michael have been teaching the Art of Tantra and guiding couples in the art of slow, conscious sex in their life-changing weeklong “Making Love Retreats” since 1995. They live in Switzerland.Their work, is taught by Max & Jasmin Muzio as authorized teachers, who follow the design of the Making Love Retreat.
Is the offer only for heterosexual couples?
In the retreat we work with the body’s own male and female polarities. This is a subject area that can only be experienced in direct embodiment.
Our offer is therefore aimed exclusively at heterosexual couples, as neither Diana and Michael Richardson nor we ourselves have any experience in other fields and a teaching outside of this area would not be authentic.
We are always very happy when people with expanded sexual orientations and constellations contact us and share their experiences with us.
Jasmin & Max Muzio
E-Mail connect(at)
Mobil +41 78 257 01 46